
The new NFT digital
gaming currency. Latest News:

03/24/2022: Pre-Sale is now Live!

Time to build value. ... After almost three months of coding and building this entire platform, we have finally launched our Pre-Sale smart contract on the Ethereum Main Net. Our contract and user interface is 100% secure and after much testing we are proud to say that it is total safe for investors. We took in account the recent hack and made sure we did not make a mistake like that, by making our smart contracts ownable and only accessible via our platform.

We have given our ETB token a price of around $0.01 per token or 200,000 ETB per 1 ETH. This launch will include 250,000,000 tokens or 25% of the inital set supply limit. As we develop and build this paltform with our partners, we will create other sales in the future, the price of which will increase. This will give our token holders more value as they join us in this journey early.

As for our recent airdrop give away, will have locked in all 1,000 airdrop winners and have vaulted their address. When the time is right we will be publically distributing 1000 ETB tokens to each winner. (This give away will cost upwards of $40,000) on the Ethereum Mainnet, but will prove trust in
We are very excited for the future, and now the fun begins.

02/01/2022: First Month Complete

Still more to be done. ... This journey has just started and we are finished with the first month of the first quarter of So far, we have; Developed the Token and uploaded the smart contract to the Ethereum Main Net. Created all social media accounts for including; Twitter, Instagram & Discord. All of which are gaining some traction and slowly growing, the Twitter and Discord have well over 1000+ members. And we have successfully launched our first Airdrop and gathered the addresses of 1,000 winners who will receive the airdrop.

What we expect to do this month is continue growing by finishing the sites and having it fully developed. We are on the last phase of the site which is to complete the Pre-Sale. All thats left on the Pre-Sale is uploading the smart contract to purchase tokens directly and to add the javascript for the "Buy" button on the Pre-Sale. Everything else is complete and which should be finished with this task sometime early this month. As for the social medias, we will continue to grow them by enganing with our userbase and uploading content. Finally, we are expected to make contact with multiple partners who want to develop a NFT gaming platform and use $ETB as their exclusive currency, which provides real world value for their online digital game.

As for this partnership, we currently are speaking with a NFT digital game which does not want to be named yet as they are still being developed but looks very promising. We are currently working out the details to mint their NFT characters using $ETB. This is still in very early stages but this should skyrocket ETB in value for our shareholders once the deal is finalized.

01/15/2022: Pre-Sale Launch.

Congrats to all Airdrop winners. ... Thank you, all participants. So far we have chosen 1,000 wallets from the Airdrop to recieve a total of 1,000 ETB tokens. This is a total lump sum of $10,000, assuming a pre-sale value of $0.01 - $0.10 per token. Or about $10 - $100 per winner.

We are new starting to code the pre-sale smart contract on solidity and should be finished before the end of this month. We are hoping this ICO pre-sale contract along with all the HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the website should be finished before enxt month as well. The pre-sale will take place on the sit itself to make it as easy as possible. All an investor needs to do is find the Pre-sale on the page. Located below the Start Guide and above the Road Map. Connect their MetaMask or any compatible Ethereum ERC-20 Wallet. And invest however much they see fit.

As continues to grow on all our social medias (especially Twitter & Discord.) We believe that a pre-sale value set to $0.01 - $0.10 allows for a ton of room for investors to make a healthy profit. Investor needs is and always will be our number two priority. Number one being the development of the technology we strive to achieve at Which is why we have also decided to never buy, sell, or swap $ETB on any exchange. We will allow investors to take total control of the price of the token as we focus primarily on building partnerships and developing More details about our goals have been laid out on the Road Map section of the website. Its only been a couple of weeks and has grown so much and will continue to do so. Onward to success!

01/10/2022: Airdrop Incoming.

First Promotional Video Released. ... After days of video and audio editing, we have managed to release the promotional video on our Twitter and Instagram pages. We now have more time for development of the token and of course, marketing. A lot has been updated and created since the last update. We have over 3,000 Discord members in our community and growing. Our Twitter is bringing in a little traction. And we continue to develop content for all our social media pages.

Now, we mostly are focused on the release of's first airdrop. Which will be 1000 ETB tokens to the first 1000 wallet address who choose to participate. All of this information is posted on our Twitter page, as well as in our Discord server.

Overall, we are ahead of schedule in our monthly tasks, but there is still lots of work to do. What's next is launching our token airdrop after we reach 1,000 backers. We expect this goal to be before next month. Then we will launch the airdrop and focus on getting into multiple exchanges to start the pre-sale of the token. Till then, back to work!

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Road Map 2022. Black Paper

Goals and the Path toward Success

Y1. 2022

Token Development: $ETB Smart Contract Deployed ✓
Exclusive Token Pre-Sale Launch ✓
1,000 Discord Members ✓
2,500 Twitter Followers.
1,000,000 $ETB Token Airdrop to 1,000 Users.
Offerings Within Multiple Exchanges.
Partnership with a Top Level NFT Project.

Y2. 2023

50% Tokens Supply Sold from Main Wallet to Users.
Sales Within Multiple Exchanges.
5,000 Discord Community Members.
10,000 Twitter Followers.
100,000 $ETB Token Airdrop to 10 Winning Users.
Stable Token Price Rises for Investors.
Partnership with first NFT Gaming Platform.
Beginning Negotiations with OpenSea as an Official Token for Exclusive Projects.

Y3. 2024

90% Tokens Supply Sold from Main Wallet to Users.
Final 1,000,000 $ETB Token Airdrop to 1 Winning User.
10,000 Discord Community Members.
25,000 Twitter Followers.
Continue Working on NFT Gaming Partnerships.
Addressing $ETH Main Net Gas Fee Issues Correlated to $ETB.
Development of Ethereum Black Chain to Solve Main Net Problems.
OpenSea Partnership.
Exclusive Token for Multiple NFT Partners.
Leading Price Rises of $ETB Token.

Y4. 2025

Deployment of the Ethereum Black Chain Layer 2 Protocol.
Creation of the new Currency in new Protocol.
Currency swapped with all $ETB tokens at Launch to all holders.
No Fees with New Ethereum Black Chain.
20,000 Active Discord Community Members.
50,000 Twitter Followers.
Listed on Big Exchanges: CoinBase, Kraken, Gemini, ect.
Continue Bringing Value and Innovation to our Investors.

In Creation, The Sky is the Limit.


Purchase ETB Tokens Directly Once Developed

For a limited time. While supplies last.
You must be on a web3 enabled browser.

Connect web3 Wallet

Input ETH amount you wish to exchange for ETB:
You will get: 0 ETB

Presale Price:
1 ETB = 0.000005 ETH
1 ETH = 200,000 ETB
Token Address:

Pre-Sale Asset Allocation:
Liquidity Pool - 80%
Blockchain Deployment - 10%
Marketing Strategies - 5%
ICO Development - 2%
Reserve Token Assets - 2%
Air-Drop Remittance - 1% powered by:


Get In Touch.

Message our team with any questions or concerns. We also will be hosting a Live Stream conference biweekly on Discord to discuss updates, plans, and future goals for

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Phone: ‪‪‪(202) 505-4470‬